Once again Jodi Picoult reaches out and makes us question life.
I have read every one of her books, and each time I am left thinking about the books weeks and even months after. This one will be no different. I actually am venturing to say that this one, will be my favorite.
In this story, Jacob is the main character, he has Asperger's Syndrome. He also has a very intense fascination with forensic science. This gets him into a lot of trouble, when his aid is the one, who winds up being the victim.
The story tells from everyone's point of view. Its amazing to hear three people, part of the same household, feeling completely different things, about the same situation. Its astounding to know how far brothers will go to protect each other, even when they don't think they have anything in common.
I enjoyed this book at lot, I got mad, I cried, I laughed and it will stay with me, for a long time. Another amazing read by Jodi Picoult :) A++
sounds like a good one :)