Sunday, August 7, 2011

Enclave - Ann Aguirre 57

I think I found another author on my must devour every book they have ever written list. Awesome. Thankfully, this book did not have a squeal and for that I am grateful. I can't even begin to keep up with all the books that do.

In this after some unknown tragedy wipes out most of the population the people who live underground have never seen topside. They know its there, but they know its dangerous and that is all they need to know. Deuce is part of the Collage Enclave. Their nearest traders are Nassau, a three day hike. They are broken into three groups, and each on their fifteenth birthday, are put into one. Breeder's, Hunter's and Builder's. Deuce is a Huntress, and that is all she has ever wanted. When she gets paired up with the strange boy they found a few years back, Fade, she thinks its a test of her strength. Soon though, she begins to trust Fade more then the elders. When there is rumors of problems at the other Enclave Fade and Deuce are chosen to check it out. What they bring back is horrors that the Enclave isn't ready to deal with.

This is a gripping novel from page one. I spent most of the time wondering what happen to humanity. We get bits and pieces but nothing real concrete. For some reason this bugged me. I like the characters and really enjoyed the ending. So all in all a good read. I am looking forward to checking out more of her books in the future.

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